Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lena Wolff

First day of work! Our crates have arrived...

We are starting on the first of Lena Wolff's three pieces, all on the second floor which is the maternity ward as well as the children's wing.

We left most of the hand made ceramic pieces out of the pieces. They are less likely to break if they are packed separately so we have to install them one by one on site.

The pink stickers tell us exactly where they go so that our next pieces all fit properly.

End of day one!

We are fortunate to have a large area in the lobby to lay out our mosaics before installing them.

Up on the second level we lay them out again with all the ceramic pieces unpacked and ready to go.

Preparing the ceramic inserts for this piece.

End of day 2!

We will spend all of day 3 peeling and fixing the piece we installed on day 2.

The fixes are almost done...End of day 3!

This large bird insert had to be cut up into multiple pieces. As one piece it would not only have been more likely to crack it also would have been warped.

When installing pieces with a lot of holes in it, it's important to stay on our guidelines.

Putting in the bird, piece by piece.

We are doing a lot of small finicky fixes... End of day 4!

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